Whaling Persuasive Speech

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Sam Walton Higher Folio 2nd draft Warning! Graphic detail. I hope you have had your breakfast before reading any further. If the whale is lucky it will only have to endure thirty minutes of undiluted pain. This is the average time it takes to slaughter one of the worlds most magnificent and intelligent creatures. These poor animals have no voice and somebody needs to stand up and expose the vast array of alternatives available to replace this brutal trade. In the first instance let us look at the cruelty endured by these innocent creatures. Whales are able to feel pain and distress which makes them in many ways just like us. Harry Lillie a doctor on a whaling boat over 50 years ago said "The gunners themselves admit that if whales …show more content…

On average, ten million people annually will take an excursion to visit whales in their natural habitat. This industry is worth 2.1 billion dollars a year according to the BBC, compared to a massive reduction of 31 million dollars and this makes it far more profitable than whaling. A researcher from the University of British Columbia reported in an interview that "This shows that we can have our whales and still benefit from them, without killing them," The whale watching industry, annually creates around 13,000 people from across the globe and this figure is constantly on the rise. Another example is the International Fund for Animal Welfare which has created a charity to try and avoid the attraction to whale meat and are trying to get people to experience whales for who they really are. This programme has been set up in Reykjavik and has over one hundred volunteers from around the world. As far as Scientific Whaling goes, there are a vast array of humane and credible alternatives which all negate the need to kill these magnificent creatures. These methods include DNA sampling which can be collected from blubber, skin which the whales shed and faecal matter. As technology is advancing, new methods of tracking and remote recording whales are becoming more available which will allow the whales movements and position to proved vital information which would be unobtainable any other way. The choice is ours, we can watch these awe inspiring magnificent or we can blow them up with explosive harpoons. I know my

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