Welfare Queen Stereotypes

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Welfare queens is a term used to describe a black woman who collects government paychecks by using a source of fraud or manipulating the system. This is one of many stereotypes that influences my life as African American woman. Being a African American woman, I've seen many women of all kinds manipulate or use false information to get by with free living. What bothers me the most about it is I hate seeing this stereotype happening before my eyes. I see these women dressed provocative, they are loud, rude, have many children, live in poverty, and seem to manipulate the system but don’t use what "free money" they collect to actually establish a decent lifestyle. Honestly, if you are gonna basically steal from the government and not work for a check why can't you at least look like you contribute to society instead of adding to the harsh judgment. The term "free money" is also a term theses women use when they talk about receiving welfare. Little did they know, that money was taken from someone else's hard earned check so I can totally understand when people get upset when they say these welfare queens are milking people of their tax money. …show more content…

As a single mother of two kids, I do receive help with food assistance but I also do not just sit on my butt all day. I take care of my children very well, still continuing my education, I have never went without a job, and all the money that I have ever received was on my own. My house looks like a home and not some slum run-down place. I actually care how I present myself to others because I do not want them to get the impression of being a lazy welfare collector. This particular stereotype can be a stressful one on my part because there is always going to be someone judging me without actually knowing the type of person I

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