Weight-Lifting For Kids

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Weight Lifting for Kids When is always the question? When is it safe for my son or daughter to start lift weights? There is no rule against it at this time. There are parents who take the precaution and wait until the body matures. Most parents sign their son or daughter up to play sports like Baseball, Soccer, and Basketball while growing up. This is good physical exercise that all kids should be doing to stay active and motivated. These sports don’t require you to lift weight, but they can. Tackle Football on the other hand has specific roles that might involve kids to lift weights. Although parents think their kid is not ready at twelve or thirteen and weight lifting is assumed to be risky for kids injury wise, they should be aloud to …show more content…

One negative that is almost always mentioned is injuries, Yes injuries can be a factor, but if a parent, coach, or guardian is watching and teaching them the correct ways to proceed during strength so they are less likely to injure them selves. Another concern is that kids can stunt their growth as well as their growth plates. That is considered a myth to most people but, its still brought up when parents talk about kids lifting weights early in development. Parents want to keep their kids safe at all times, I get that, sometimes it can be not be avoided. It is different for every kid in this situation. The body must be at mature state of mind to conduct the strength training workout while avoiding a major injury. Kids should be able to lift as they please with proper techniques with authorized …show more content…

Kids should lifting controlled weights can help them prevent future injuries from occurring in the first place. Putting some effort to keep kids active and fit while proceeding with extreme caution. There will always be the risk for injuring an ankle but, kids can prevent a torn ACL or MCL in the future. Putting that time in now may save your kid from a sever like the MCL and ACL injury. No one can see into the future but, you can have the piece of mind that it most likely will not happen. Parents should keep that in mind if they decide they want their kid to workout. Like I was talking about earlier, an "old wives' tales used to suggest that strength training would "stunt kids growth." This could easily happen if there is a major accident that injures the growth plate because it is the weakest area of the bone (Stricker)." This is not to scare anyone with kids but, no one knows if it is true or not. The best way is to approach weights is with caution. All you need is to trust your trainers and coaches that they know what they are

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