Wealthiest People In Canada

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Wealth is often defined as something that has monetary or exchange value, however possessing great amounts of wealth can also lead to powerful relationships, economical power, as well as political influence. Zweig argues that “economic relationships are the foundation of classes” (Zweig, 17). These classes can be segmented into groups based on power and other key factors operating throughout society, from which the elite create a network of political and cultural leaders. Canada has a wide landscape of class and its most elite capitalists create the ruling class. Properties of the ruling class can be seen within the 100 wealthiest people in Canada.

The 100 wealthiest

The 100 wealthiest people in Canada are comprised of multiple families and estates. The monetary values that these individuals hold range from tens of Billions to hundreds of …show more content…

By comparing these national averages of income to the income of the wealthiest Canadians, the difference is astonishing. While the average earnings of Canadians mostly correspond to the middle and upper middle class families, those not within that segment are drastically behind. The Globe and Mail wrote an article which states: “Canada's 86 wealthiest have as much as the 11.4 million poorest”. This statement alone, shows the massive difference of wealth between the wealthiest and the poorest deciles. The difference is not only in monetary terms, but more in the power that these 86 individuals hold against the poorest. Zweig makes an interesting comparison regarding this matter by stating: “Class is about the power some people have over the lives of others, and the powerlessness most people experience as a result” (Zweig, 8). This quote by Zweig can be seen as the powerlessness that the poorest deciles of Canadians face against the wealthy

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