We Are Called To Rise Analysis

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In the novel We Are Called to Rise by Laura McBride, Avis and Bashkim had dreadful childhoods. Bashkim migrated to the U.S. shortly after he was born with his political refugee parents. Although Avis did not migrate, she had similar experience having moved a lot with her single mother and younger brother. Avis grew up with a dysfunctional mother and no father figure. Like Avis Bashkim did not receive the paternal love; however, he had a father who was reclusive, aggressive and more concerned with money than being a father. Both characters faced a lot of difficult obstacles during their childhood. Bashkim and Avis each grew up poor, suffered abuse and had to learn to be responsible at a young age. Avis's family struggled financially in the same way as Bashkim's. Avis's mother neglected her children's financial needs and was more interested in her low life boyfriends. The family moved from one filthy …show more content…

Bashkim usually took care of his little sister Tirana, while his parents sold ice cream. Whenever his father became irate and was violent to his mother, he would try to comfort her the best he could. Bashkim is considerate towards others and is careful with the way he behaves. He fears he might infuriate his irascible father and complicate things more for the family. He cares about those around him if he feels like a certain information might cause a conflict, he keeps it to himself or alters it to avoid trouble. Avis also took care of her younger brother Rodney particularly, in times when their mother had forsaken them. For instance, when she and Marty fought and the gun went off, the mother did not check on the children to see if they were alright. Avis had to calm Rodney down. In comparison to other children, Bashkim and Avis's childhood experiences forced them to behave more maturely and take responsibility for

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