Ways To Prevent Identity Theft Essay

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In today’s society, many people are faced with many problems. Two of the many problems are identity theft and security breaches. With these hitches our society is faced with money taken, identity thieved, or people will get a hold of personal info. Here are some stages to help you prevent these problems from happening to you. Security breaches are one of the biggest threats that can attack your data and systems today. Many small businesses are unprotected to stop these kinds of attacks. Some ways to avoid this is to use passwords that are hard to guess and don’t tell anyone that password. However you can avoid writing it down is a good way to go. Try to use letter and number and have some of the letters capitalized and lowercased. …show more content…

People have been known to steel information out of mail boxes. Always remove all your mail from your mail box or get a post office box in the post office. These boxes have combinations on them so that only you can get into them. If you are going to go on a vacation, it is a good idea to ask the post office to hold on to your mail until you come back.
The seventh way is to treat you information with care. Don’t give it away by putting it on the internet or telling it to people. If you do, it is a good way to have is stolen from you.
The eighth way to stop identity theft is to install a way to block hackers such as a firewall. A firewall will stop hackers from hacking into your computer and steeling your personal information from your hard drive. Also, before you give your computer to another person or dispose of it, it is a good idea to use a strong wipe. This will help with getting all of your information deleted safely. If you just delete it, people can still get that information off of the hard drive.
The ninth way is to check your credit report. When you get a credit report, check over it carefully to make sure that nothing looks unfamiliar. If they do report it to get it fixed so you don’t have any more money stolen from

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