Water as a Good Habitat

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Water as a Good Habitat

Water is essential to life. All life on earth started in water, and

chances are that it will also end there. Even though it sounds crazy,

the human body is made up of nearly 70% water. In some plants and

fish, this percentage can reach more than 90. There are many reasons

why water is so important to all living organisms.

Metabolic role of water -

Hydrolysis: Hydrolysis is the reaction of a compound with water,

usually resulting in the formation of one or more new compounds.

Hydrolysis is an important reaction in plants and animals. The action

of certain enzymes allows the hydrolysis of proteins, fats, oils, and


Medium for chemical reactions: All chemical reactions take place in

some kind of liquid medium.

Diffusion and Osmosis: Water is necessary for osmosis and diffusion to

take place through surfaces, for example in the lungs with oxygen.

Photosynthesis: Water is extremely necessary in photosynthesis.

Water as a solvent -

Water is a good liquid to dissolve other substances into.

Transport: The blood plasma, tissue fluid and lymph is mostly made up

of water. Therefore it is a good place for substances to dissolve, and

then move around the body.

Removal of wastes: Water is used to carry both ammonia and urea, which

are waste products from the body's metabolism.

Secretions: Water is also used to secrete substances in the body. For

example in tears, which mostly consist of water, where snake venoms

have toxins which are in the suspension of water.

Water as a lubricant -

Since water is so soft, it is also commonly used in the body as a


Mucus: Mucus is used in the body to aid movement. It is for example

used in the inner gut wall, to make the "flow" easier.

Synovial fluid: Synovial fluid is used to lubricate vertebrate joints.

Pleural fluid: Pleural fluid is used to lubricate the lungs when


Pericardinal fluid: Pericardinal fluid is used to lubricate the

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