Water Is Taught By Thirst By Emily Dickinson Analysis Essay

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As human beings, one may often forget to be grateful for the many treasures of life when life is thriving, but during a difficult and tough time oneself may try to become grateful for the many treasures of life. Poet Emily Dickinson recognizes that all human beings should be grateful no matter their life be difficult or thriving, and in her poem “Water is taught by thirst”, she emphasizes the importance of being grateful for all of life’s commodities in her poem by expressing and addressing her thoughts throughout her poem. In Emily Dickinson’s poem, “ Water is taught by thirst,” she emphasizes the value of life, abstract ideas, and concrete images that human beings take for granted. Emily Dickinson focuses on the feeling of appreciation and acknowledgment of …show more content…

Although when human beings are without water for a long period of time they crave water and will do anything to get a drop of water. So, when human beings are finally able to get water they are grateful. Although they are grateful for water, Emily Dickinson wants human beings to be grateful at all times not just when they are thirsty. Emily Dickinson also uses the abstract image in her poem. On page 401 on line four, Emily Dickinson states,” Love, by Memorial Mold--”.(Dickinson 401) In this quotation, Emily Dickinson emphasizes love may only come when a death occurs or when one may lose an importance that they once loved and took for granted. Dickinson uses memorial mold as an image of death in her quotation. Dickinson shows that without death or losing an importance to them many will not be grateful, but when death or losing an importance does occur one will love and be grateful. While using these images she appeals to the five senses of human beings: similarity she creates a connection between each of her images by emphasizing the importance of each image. Emily

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