Hawaii Creative Writing

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“Honey you have to wake up!” The lady shouted at me.
My eyes opened to a bright light. Is this what they say heaven is like? If it is I think I want to go back to Earth where I’m not being yelled at. My eyes slowly fluttered opened as I glared up into her bright green eyes. What the heck is going on and where am I? The last thing I remember is catching some waves off the beach of Lanikai on the island of Oahu. I was in Hawaii. Now where am I? Great question. I wish I knew. “You have to wake up!” She shouted again this time shaking me violently. I rolled over onto my stomach coughing up water and bugs before looking over my shoulder at her. Who was this woman? I rolled over onto my back and sat up before raising my head to look her in the …show more content…

You almost drowned to death. You can’t just be running around after something like that.” The first thought that came to mind was that maybe I had caught a wave but never came out of it and crashed. I’m a professional surfer there is no way that I would make a stupid mistake like that. I knew what I was doing. I could predict how a wave was going to act before it acted. People in Hawaii knew me by name. They knew my face. How is it that this lady has no idea who I am? Did she just move to this island? Maybe that would explain it. I think I have to teach her a thing or …show more content…

I’m in Wisconsin? But there is no way. I was just surfing in Hawaii and now I have woken up in Wisconsin? How is that?” I asked. “Maybe you were never in Hawaii. Maybe it was all a dream.” A dream! Yes! That must explain this crazy turn of events. Maybe it was all a dream. I’m Candice Lane from Hawaii and I moved to Wisconsin. Yeah, I think people will believe that. First, I must make myself believe it. Maybe that dream was my former life. Can people have multiple lives? Am I here right now? None of this is making since but I’m sure once I figure everything out it will. “I’m Candice Lane from Hawaii and I moved here to Wisconsin. I’m Candice Lane from Hawaii and I moved here to Wisconsin. I’m Candice Lane from Hawaii and I moved here to Wisconsin.” I kept repeating to myself in a low whisper. “Where are your parents?” “I’m not sure. I know my dad is in Hawaii. I’ve never known my mom. By what you have told me I know I am in Wisconsin. I had a dream that I was surfing in Hawaii and now here I am on this dock.” I explained. “Maybe you have bumped your head. Do you need a place to stay until you figure all of this

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