Was Shakespeare Really Real Essay

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Many of the stories we read, movies and Television we watch pull some inspiration from the well known playwright, William Shakespeare. But, what if Shakespeare didn’t write his plays or, what if Shakespeare wasn’t even real?

Most people if not everyone know who William Shakespeare is. We all know his works. Othello, Romeo and Juliet etc. But, some people believe that he wasn’t real. Or that it was a pseudonym of many other playwrights. Or that someone else wrote his plays for him. Regardless of the countless theories that may surround him, I believe that Shakespeare was real. And this is why.

Reason 1: Shakespeare’s name was on it. And it seems redundant and you would think that’s normal but no. At the time, most authors did not have their name on their works. It mostly included publishers and acting companies that performed it. But many did not include their names while living. William did though.

Another reason I believe he was real is because he was well known.He first gained notice …show more content…

Of all the theories and outlandish remarks people have made about pretty much anything, the fact people believe he was not real or he was a group of people etc. is ridiculous. Firstly, there’s little evidence to support any of those theories. William Shakespeare had to have been a real person. Why? Because. It makes sense. If it were a group of people why work with a pseudonym? Why not just right anonymously? Seems simplair. Also, Shakespeare worked with many other playwrights. So what stops them from talking if he really was a group of people. I’m sure that would have been exposed quite quickly. The outlandish theory about Shakespeare being a group of people or not being someone at all is just redundant. Ben Jonson is a clear and evidential part of this. He refers to William as a “friend” and speaks more about him as a person. Not as a writer. So why go through all the trouble of creating a fake person? It makes no clear

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