Was Brutus Caesar Honorable

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Was Brutus an honorable man? In the play, Brutus is demonstrated as a weak character however; his intentions were honorable. I will present examples of his actions that will show his honorability: Brutus’ love for his country, and many follow citizens who thought he was the most honorable person in Rome. Brutus kills Caesar for what he believes is for the good of Rome. He has a potent relationship with Caesar but his sentiments towards Rome were more powerful. Brutus feared the power that Caesar possessed. Brutus conversed with Anthony about Caesar’s demise ; “Our hearts you see not, they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome. ” ( III, I, 185-186). Brutus’ honor is evident in his declaration that his act of partaking in the treachery against Casear was done for the benefit of Rome. Brutus cites to the …show more content…

The people thought since Brutus was considered such a noble person and his involvement made the assassination of Caesar just. Cassius proclaims, “Brutus shall lead the way, and we will grace his heels with the most boldest and best hearts of Rome.” (III,I 135-136). Caesar loved and respected Brutus, he saw him as his loyal companion. He truly believed that Brutus was an honorable man as people proclaimed him to be. On the day of Caesar’s death (The ides of March; March 15th) He was stabbed by conspirators. Amongst them was Brutus. He was the last person to stab Caesar. From a friend, that was the upmost betrayal. Caesar was shocked by Brutus’ exhibition of disloyalty. Brutus convinces His depedent assiant , Strato to hold out his sword as he thrusts himself into it and dies. With his final utterance, he declares, “Caesar, now be still: I killed not thee with half so good a will.” (V,V 56-57). This act in itself shows that Brutus’’ conscience would not allow him to continue his life after his role of collaboration in Caesar’s annihilation

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