Was Abraham Lincoln's Assassination Unjust?

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The 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, was unrightfully assassinated as a result of racial equality. Confederate sympathizer, John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln because he didn't agree with the President's stance on racial equality. President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, the proclamation that freed all slaves, over a year before his death. John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1864 at the Ford’s Theater, in Washington, D.C. Abraham Lincoln’s assassination was unjust because of Lincoln’s role abolishing slavery; however, some Confederate sympathizers believed Abraham Lincoln violated the constitution and destroyed the South’s economy. Abraham Lincoln’s assassination was unjust because John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln because of a difference in political views. Abraham Lincoln believed that every man was created equal, thus freeing all slaves; however, Booth believed African-Americans were merely property. “Booth was an open Confederate sympathizer...A supporter of slavery, Booth believed that Lincoln was determined to overthrow the Constitution and to destroy his beloved …show more content…

Southern sympathizers argue that abolishing slavery would ultimately destroy the southern economy. According to USHistory, “Defenders of slavery argued that if all the slaves were freed, there would be widespread unemployment and chaos.” Former slaves would struggle to find work and contribute to the economy and landowners wouldn't be able to maintain. After Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery, landowners no longer had free labor to maintain their land and since landowners could not maintain their land, the southern economy declined drastically. Since African-Americans were “property” that slave owners purchased, many believed it was completely absurd that President Lincoln freed

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