Want Versus Need: Why is Humanity so Greedy?

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Want Versus Need
Why is humanity so greedy? The simple answer to that is the fact that we have the desire to provide for our family and ourselves. Greed usually has a bad connotation; it is not always an excessive reaction to an excessive problem. Taflinger says that Greed is necessary in our culture to a certain extent (“The Sociological Basis of Greed” 1). Every person needs some degree of greed to survive (“I Want It, I Want It Now” 1). Once we fulfill our basic needs, we search for a way to fulfill our wants. We have such a surplus of resources that often times our wants get confused as needs. When we can no longer satisfy the burning hunger of our wants, we become more and more greedy. We strive to fill the gaping hole inside us that soaks up everything it is fed. The fact that we have fought and worked our way to the top has given us a sense of entitlement to all of the things we want. We work hard because the media makes sure that we want all of the things that will help us reach the ultimate goal of living the American dream. However, the American dream is no longer an individual unique dream; everyone wants the same thing: wealth and power. John Steinbeck said, “It has always seemed strange to me... the things we admire in men: kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest: sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the product of the second”. If we continue to possess an excessive greed, or in other words, work hard to become rich and buy our happiness, the inequity of our country and the detriment of our world wi...

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...and none of our riches, none of our wealth, and none of our Greed would have mattered.
The solution to our Greed is a simple concept; it is, however, a tough act to follow. If we make an effort to combine the ideas of living equally with humans and with nature, and diluting the concentration of wealth in the hands of few, we will be able to prosper and live a better quality of life. The inequality of our country and the detriment of our world will be everlasting if we do not take action. The consequences of our Greed are too big of a problem to ignore. Carter Roberts, the President of the nonprofit organization WWF®, told us that “It takes true leadership to set forth a modern conservation path — one that leads to a future in which economic development can occur without losing nature's value in the process.” It is possible, it will just take a little less avarice.

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