Walton And Victor Frankenstein Comparison Essay

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Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein
In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley two characters come together to make the overall meaning and structure. These characters are Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein. We see how they impact the book by seeing their similarities, how they contrast each other, and overall how they come together to create the meaning.
First, we see how they impact the book with their similarities. In the novel we see that both of the men want to conquer the unknown, or do things that haven’t ever been done. This is evident when we see Victor start to create the monster on page hhh, and when Robert is exploring the Artic in his letters to his sister, which is at the beginning of the novel. Another way they are the same is through change. Throughout the book we see Victor make rash decisions and his health fluctuates. When the monster wants a …show more content…

We see a difference in the men, because Robert at the end decides to go home to save his men that he is responsible for, while Victor created the monster and his ultimate goal is to kill or destroy it. Victor isn’t responsible for anything in his opinion, where Robert is a leader for his men, which explains why he would make more conservative decisions. Victor doesn’t have anyone to look out for, and the monster isn’t a human so he has nothing to lose. This is a huge difference between the two because it is a matter of life or death. Another difference between the two is how Victor can have companions but they aren’t a huge part of his life, because ultimately his work is a higher priority; otherwise, Robert wants a friend but he lacks faith that it will happen and is sad to be lonely. He is happy when he meets Victor and they become friends, which we know is true when he says “…I should have been happy to have possessed as the brother of my heart” (22). This shows that they have different wants in their lives, and is an extreme

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