Walter Lippmann's Use Of Social Media During The Cold War

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“Cold War is the period of ideological, economical confrontation and military competition between USSR and USA and their allies.”(1)
It was American journalist Walter Lippmann who firstly named the conflict as a ‘Cold War’ for the reason that there was no direct military warfare between these two countries which was unwanted because it could led to the nuclear war. However, this period was famous for the number of proxy wars around the world such as Korean War, Vietnam War, and Soviet-Afghan War.
- But how and to what extend was the broadcasting used in order to maintain the ideological division between two countries?
- First of all, the importance of the mass media during the Cold War cannot be underestimated. It was equally used by USSR …show more content…

The media disseminated extreme propagandist slogans such as “Better Dead than Red!” This type of calculated propaganda was directed to cause a panic over Soviet Union and encouraged people to reject the political policies of the enemy.

With the development of new technologies during the Cold war., the radio became the predominant tool for international broadcasting.

Soviet propaganda was noted for its attempts to glorify soviet society’s military achievements, and setting working class as an example of honesty and righteousness. It described Western countries as corrupt and imperialistic. USSR Ideology Department controlled such sources of information as Radio Moscow, Radio Peace and Progress, and the Novosti Press Agency. “According to the CIA, Soviet Union’s spending on propaganda was equal to $3.3 billion per year.”(1)

In order to counter communistic ideologies, the US began to promote capitalistic values within American and around the world. For example, the US invested a lot of money into the Voice of America, a famous radio broadcasting station that was supported by the US Congress and CIA to spread

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