Walking In The Dark With A Friend In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“Walking in the dark with a friend is better than walking alone in the light”, quote from Hellen Keller. In the book Of mice and men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have been friends for years. They are on their way to work and a new farm. Lenny is a little slow. George has been taking care of him since his Aunt Clara died. They got kicked out of there old farm because Lenny saw this girl's dress and thought that by touching her dress he will feel more comfortable. So he went over and started touching the girl's dress and did not let go so they made them leave. As they got to the farm they have mean many people. One of they met was Candy. Candy has a dog. The dog has had a really hard and long life and he didn't want him to suffer. So …show more content…

Also if you have a friend by your side it may help your stupidity. Lenny has been static throughout the whole book. He has had the same goal and the same amount of education. But at the end he never got to accomplish his goal. “Walking in the dark with a friend is better than walking alone in the light”, quote from Hellen Keller. In the book Of mice and men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have been friends for years. They are on their way to work and a new farm. Lenny is a little slow. George has been taking care of him since his Aunt Clara died. They got kicked out of there old farm because Lenny saw this girl's dress and thought that by touching her dress he will feel more comfortable. So he went over and started touching the girl's dress and did not let go so they made them leave. As they got to the farm they have mean many people. One of they met was Candy. Candy has a dog. The dog has had a really hard and long life and he didn't want him to suffer. So he killed it. George and Lenny’s plan is to get enough money so they can get their own farm and have their own house. Candy found out about this plan so he wanted to join in. Now Candy, George, and Lennie are all saving up for this

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