Waiting for Prince Charming

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Young girls of all ages growing up believing in a fairy tales and having their heads up in the clouds only to become bitter when reality hits them, maybe their prince will never show up or maybe they will get their heart broken. Disney movies are made to entertain but the entertainment that it provides cripples girls and women all over the world. It calls young girls to grown up to be women that may be looking for a man to come and save them from bad situations. This is a reason relationships almost inevitably to fail. In Disney movies the men has to always save the women usually with a true love’s kiss, this causes the epidemic of women now days waiting for price charming to come and save them. Little girls long for approval and to feel beautiful, although they never expect their beloved Disney Princess to make these little girls feel self-conscious, and have low self-esteem which include behavior problems as adults. During the time that little girls have a misunderstanding about what it means to fall in love and so that they have problems with their relationships later on in life as they grow up. Girls and women alike still have difficulty understanding what it means to be attractive since the Disney Princesses shows younger women who dress in elegant gowns, who have slim fit bodies and perfectly gorgeous hair. They will spend large amounts of money to have expensive clothing like the Disney princesses and have work done on their bodies such as plastic surgery in order to achieve what it means to be beautiful. Plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular, especially among younger women. It is even becoming common for teenage girls to ask for breast implants for their high school graduation gift to become more li...

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...most animated films have you rooting for the guy and the girl to get together. By adding unexpected dimension to Elsa, this one has you more invested in the reunion of these sisters. The story is basically about a princess, Elsa, who can magically create ice and snow, but after an accident she is forced to hide this ability away until she can control it. Her childhood motto, "conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show" underpins her entire existence. The ending, and moral of the story, is that love can melt a frozen heart. Anna needed an act of true love to fix her heart, frozen after being accidentally struck by magical ice, and she believed that she needed true love's kiss. But it was actually the love of her sister, Elsa, who broke the spell and restored their town to its correct season. That she even hid away from the one person who loved her unconditionally.

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