Vw Informative Speech

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Standing outside on the deck when I pulled in next to his VW was Mike, most likely because I had sent him a text 5 minutes prior to tell him I was close. Picture a scruffy bearded, blond hair, blue-eyed, white Canadian that stands about 5 feet 10 inches tall and probably 180 pounds. Still, somehow he's always come off as a pretty boy. He dresses what you might call alternative, and doesn't talk like the stereotypical rapper. After collecting what I needed, I walked up the stone walkway. It smelt like the grass had just been cut that morning, and the yard, small, still very elegant. It had a couple waist-high shrubs and hedges along the fence line. Mike and I exchanged greetings and proceeded through the front door into what I could only …show more content…

In Mike's opinion of all the media entertainment he believes that 'film' is where most of the money is being made. We talked about how there isn't really such a thing as local radio anymore. Most of the radio stations are owned by a few major companies. Although, there is still college radio, but thats podcast, not sure if it qualifies as …show more content…

I'm not really a fan of Pro Tools myself, but thats because I haven't spent a lot of time learning to use it, and its expensive, but I can't complain when he mixes for me on Pro Tools because it always turns out great. We listened to some beats he's working on, a few artists he's working with and a couple times he even picked up an instrument. Mike can play Piano, Guitar and drums all really good, his personal favorite is the Piano though, most likely because it is a lot like using a MIDI controller , which he uses when making beats. We both do what i'm sure 90% of America does when we run into a problem that we aren't sure the solution to. YouTube it. But, where YouTube fails, www.gearslutz.com picks up the slack. Education is an important step to take, so maybe contacting an Arts school like the 'Art Institute of Seattle' or maybe even 'Full Sail University'. Other than that, put yourself around people who are more involved, start meeting contacts and asking them more specific questions. One thing thats very important to do early on is to get yourself some gear. These days you can get online and buy a box for under $300 that has everything you need to get started. Get yourself some gear and start learning it now, because if you end up going to school for it, you don't want to have to learn things that most of the students will already

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