Voltaire 'Philosophy Of History, By François-Marie D' Arouet

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François-Marie d'Arouet (1694–1778), better known by his pen name Voltaire, he was a French philosopher and writer of the Age of Enlightenment. His cleverness, wittiness and elegance made him one of France's greatest writers and philosophers though there were many controversies; he attracted (Shank, 2015). Voltaire is recognized with devising the term ‘philosophy of history’. Voltaire had a vast influence on the development of historiography through his demonstration of different innovative ways to look at the bygone. One of his famous quote is “history is a lie commonly agreed upon”. The word history used here is referred to as the writings of history. Whereas lie refers to the different interpretations and understanding of historians and history is a collection of stories. They collect the evidence and facts from the past about the past and write them of what they think is right.
Jenkins has stated that history and past are two different things. One of the quotes about the history …show more content…

The hostilities came to an end with the un intervention. Though India could inflict considerable military loss on Pakistan, the 1965 war added to India’s already difficult economic situations.- (NCERT BOOK,CLASS XII)
One example supporting this quote is that people believed that Columbus was the one who discovered America but this was not true. America was discovered before Columbus twice, firstly by the locals and secondly by the Vikings in the 11th century (Mark). This proves that everything is not true of what we are told about there is always a room for the facts being incorrect. The things we believe is not always

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