Virtual Life Setting

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Character: Mallory is sixteen years old. She has brown hair and is absolutely in love with her boyfriend Jeremy. Until one day she is at his house, and finds out that he is cheating on her. He is dating a girl on a game called Virtual Life. She gets so upset that she breaks up with him and has even decided to go “vintage”. She is going vintage by not using any tech. at all until she has finished her grandmother's list from 1962. The list consists of 1. sewing a prom dress 2. finding a steady 3. host a soirée 4. Get into pep club and 5. do something dangerous. Plot: Mallory's mom finds out about the breakup, and tells Mallery that she needs a “happy break”. So they go to Disneyland. Her uncle is super rich so he gives them all season passes every year for Christmas. But while they are there her parents start to fight about her dad's job and money. But luckily her sister Ginnie saves the day and tells them to go have fun on their own for a little while. Conflict: Mallory was in the student council room trying to get the president to agree to let her make a pep club. But the president says no. So now she isn't sure she can do the list, or go vintage is getting really upset. But then Oliver her ex’s cousin says that they actually have to take a vote. And once they take a vote on if pep club should be a thing there are …show more content…

I think that because Calvin’s best friends Deej was a good kid but just got in too deep with bad things like stealing. Calvin also was a really good kid. He had good grades was the track team captain, had a great job, had a girlfriend, a best friend, and a great family. But then when he decided to help Deej by storing stolen items, everything started to go downhill from there. He lost his job and his girlfriend, his best friend ended up in jail even. But he was still a good kid and he managed to fix the damage he had done at the end of the

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