Violence In The Film Pan's Labyrinth

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‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ is the mixture of classic fairy tales like Alice In Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood and Wizards of Oz with a spoonful of violence. Del Toro has turned the traditional framework on its head to create a dark, visually-stunning modern-day fairy tale about a little girl in need of an escape route from the evil that is fascism. Even with the fantasy elements being the common thread in the film, Pan’s Labyrinth is way too violent and bloody for children. Setting in 1944, after the Spanish Civil War, the story unfolds through the eyes of the little girl Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) who is forced to move to the countryside with her mother. There they meet Captain Vidal (Sergi López), the villain of the film whose charisma is so malicious

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