Violence Against Police Brutality

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One of the main subjects in the current national news is, of course, police involved shootings: in the aftermath of the deaths regarding Philandro Castile, Alton Sterling and others. A less discussed subject would be violence against law enforcement within the nation. This can be discussed within the context of violence as a backlash against the so-called police brutality and a display of itself. In the last few years the “War on Police” has escalated because of the one sided reporting fueled by most media outlets and is not only affecting the attackers but the officers and their families. Generally speaking, law enforcement officers accept a relatively dangerous role; and in this sense, violence against law enforcement is to be expected …show more content…

Violence against law enforcement has become an issue in the immediate history of the nation, and is largely be related to the alleged violence by police officers against citizens of the United States, particularly African American men. Frequent media emphasis on what they consider to be racial attacks by police officers and fulling the fire to seek retaliation on law enforcement. To some extent, this may just be a tactic of publicity; but violence against police officers may also be a legitimate concern in the context of the present political environment. The war on police has increased since mid-2013, even though there has always been animosity between officers and civilians. For example, the data presented by the Officer Down Memorial Page from January 2016 to July 12, 2016 there has been over 60 total law enforcement fatalities. There have also been 23 K-9 deaths as of July 12, 2016 which has an adverse effect on the handlers as well as the department seeing as the K-9 is considered a co-worker/friend. Many are thought to believe that if the officers themselves aren't being targeted they will attack the K-9 officers in the police officers place to hurt them in any way they …show more content…

If this issue is relevant within the current situation, then it is because of one sided media reporting a belief that violence against law enforcement has re-emerged in light of recent events of police involved shootings. It is known that violence against law enforcement is understood as motivated by a plain and irrational hatred of police officers and driven by a desire for revenge ending in innocent lives taken too early leaving wives/husbands without their spouse and children without their

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