Violence Against Interracial Couples Research Paper

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Violence against Interracial Couple in the U.S. Some People might think that violence against interracial couples in the U.S. doesn’t exist,however it does exist, they just choose not to acknowledge it.People think that just because the couples don’t have the same skin color that it’s wrong for them to be together ,.Although interracial couples are now legal in the U.S. , many secret interracial relationships can now come out, however these couple still face unexpected violence. One example of violence against interracial couple would be a man named Jeffrey Wellmaker who's an African-American man,one night was walking with his girlfriend who was 39 years-old, was stop by a tattoed white man,and was asked “what are you doing with that white woman”,the couple did not respond but kept walking, after some time they saw a white 4 door newer model …show more content…

some people think this is the reason why this had happen. I had interviewed some people by asking them how do they feel about interracial couples ? they had said and I quote “ we're totally okay with it,We do not have problems with people being together because they love each other,we do not mind that they have different skin color as long as they love each other”,but one white man had said and I quote “ I do not have any problem with interracial couples but I would not give advice to the people I love to go and be with an African-American,not that I have any problem against African-Americans I love them, but I’m worried about what others will think, and they will get attacked by people who think that it is wrong because some people still think that white is superior than African-Americans.” This proves that not only interracial couple in the U.S. is still not fully welcome,but some people think that it is a good thing, and they do not have any problem with it,unlike some

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