Viola Desmond Case

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Viola Desmond not only lost her case but her businesses and her family, this case took an emotional toll on her causing them to get a divorce (White, Evelyn C.2015). Wada Robson stated that Jack Desmond (viola’s husband) initially told her to drop the case as it was not worth it and that’s the nature of New Glasgow community (White, Evelyn C.2015). Viola Desmond moved to New York alone, heart broken both from the city and her husband, most because she was a respectable person within her own community, unfortunately, she died on February 7, 1965, at the humble age of fifty (White, Evelyn C.2015). With her death, Wanda Robson decided that it was her duty to tell Viola’s story and get her pardon. Proudly in 2010, Viola Desmond was granted a posthumous

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