Victor And Frankenstein Similarities

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Throughout the novel Frankenstein we see that Victor, the scientist who creates a hideous creature, who then wreaks havoc on Dr. Frankenstein's life reigns terror over his family and fate. Two characters that both essentially ruin each other's lives end up sharing many similarities. Victor and his creation share qualities such as a loneliness, anger, and how their initial intentions were not intended to cause harm. Victor spends a great portion of his life living, working, and studying in loneliness. This all started when Victor left his home and went to go study at the University of Ingolstadt in Germany. At the University of Ingolstadt, Victor Frankenstein began to study Chemistry and later became obsessive over his studies. While being madly obsessed with his studies Victor faced a long period of loneliness. This behavior is also seen later in the novel when Dr. Frankenstein obsesses over his creation. The creature is similar to the scientist in that they both isolate themselves in times of distress. Victor abandoned the monster because he was terrified of what his creation had become. The creature then lived isolated by itself and taught itself how to …show more content…

Victor was mad at himself; he believed since he created the creature that he was responsible for all the deaths of his friends and family. The guilt behind the deaths filled Victor with anger and depression, creating another parallel between Victor and the creature. The creature found itself angry that no humans will interact with it and that it was brought to life with no other creature as a companion. This triggered the creatures violent actions on Victor’s family and friends. On top of all that anger his creator, Victor Frankenstein, had broke his promise of creating him a female creature to have as a companion. Victor's decision enraged the creature and he reigned terror on the wedding as a

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