Verbal Deprivation In William Labov's The Logic Of Non-Standard English?

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Many educational psychologists believe children from segregated ethnic groups perform poorly in school because of verbal deprivation. Verbal deprivation is a theory stating that Negro children do not receive verbal stimulation. It is a common belief that Negro children “cannot speak complete sentences, do not know the names of common objects, and cannot form concepts or convey logical thoughts” (Labov). Unfortunately, individuals did not take into consideration that educational psychologists are not well versed in the study of language. They also are not familiar with Negro children and the quality of their environment. In William Labov’s article” The Logic of Non-Standard English”, he critiques methods used to understand the language and the …show more content…

He is considered the founder of variationist sociolinguistics. Variationist sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. In 1969, Labov released an article entitled “The Logic of Non-Standard English”. In this article, Labov critique’s educational psychologists and their study of Negro children. Educational psychologists noticed Negro children scored poorly on school subjects, like arithmetic and reading (Labov). They theorized Negro children performed poorly because of verbal deprivation (Labov). Educational psychologists concluded that children living in ghetto areas, received little verbal stimulation and could form not logical thoughts (Labov). This theory has been accepted by many other educational psychologists and linguists. In this article, Labov provides examples of interviews conducted by linguists. He points out the issues found with these interviews and encourages them to change their methods. Labov believes educational psychologist study Negro children use of language in the wrong way. Negro children communicate and interact differently in their own community than they do in the presence of unfamiliar individuals. Labov goes on to explain how the verbal deprivation theory is used to make other ethnic groups and their communities …show more content…

Linguists would study the language of Negro children by conducting interviews. The interviews were usually performed by white individuals (Labov). After introducing themselves, they would proceed to ask the child a series of questions. Unfortunately, most of the interviewers would automatically assume that the child lacks standard components of language. Negro children respond differently when in an unfamiliar environment. Many Negro children are taught to behave and speak in a certain way when interacting with white individuals or in an uncomfortable situation. They would often answer the questions carefully with monosyllabic answers(Labov). However, when an interviewer made slight adjustments, like providing snacks and including friends of the child. The child was more comfortable and more willing to answer the questions. In “The Logic of Non-Standard English”, Labov goes on to explain verbal deprivation. Labov defines verbal deprivation as having little verbal stimulation(Labov). Most educational psychologists and linguists believed that Negro children have little verbal stimulation because of their environment and economic status. This theory is often associated with Negro children from ghetto areas. These areas are usually occupied by “lower-class” and single mother families(Labov). Even though there is no evidence of these factors having an impact on a child’s

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