Vera Elizabeth Claythorne

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In Agatha Christie’s mystery novel, And Then There Were None, there are ten unsolved murders, and an unknown murderer. As you read you find out the murder is one of the island guest, Judge Wargrave, he is highly intelligent, skilled in manipulating others, and is dying. Justice Wargrave feels that some of the guest on Soldier Island are more guilty of murder than others because of the degrees to which they were responsible for the deaths that took place in their pasts.
I agree with Wargrave to the fact that some of the guest are more guilty of murder than others because of the degree to which they were responsible for the deaths in their past. Many of the ten guest on the island is responsible for the death.
Vera baby sat a little boy named, Cyril, who had a uncle named Hugo. Vera and Hugo were in the love, and wanted to get married but Hugo was broke and could not afford a wedding for them two. So Vera took it upon herself to help with the money issue because it Cyril died Hugo would inherit some of the money. While in the house a gramophone tells all the guest dirty secrets including Vera’s, it says “Vera Elizabeth Claythorne, that on the 11th day of August ,1935, you killed Cyril Ogilvie Hamilton.”(p. 47) Vera deserves to be …show more content…

A big one is distracted driving or driving under the influence. Sometimes there is no proof to prove that a person was distracted while driving because they lied, covered it up before anyone got there, ran away before authorities came, or they died in their own stupidness. They should be held responsible and should own up to their actions. Everyday you hear how you should not text and drive, eat and drive, and etc., but yet there is still people dying because one person could not resist the urge to be doing something else besides paying attention. They are just guilty as an actual murder and should get treated as

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