Venus Of Urbino Manet Essay

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Édouard Manet was a French painter whose works heavily influenced the transition from Realism to Impressionism. One of Manet’s most well known works; Olympia (1863) [Figure 1], done with oil on canvas, depicts a nude woman, Olympia, reclining on several pillows and sheets. On the edge of her bed stands a black cat, next to a black female servant who is showing a bouquet of flowers sent to Olympia from a prior client. Using Victorine-Louise Meurent, a fellow painter instead of a real prostitute as his subject, the work looks similar to that of Titian’s oil on canvas painting titled Venus of Urbino (1538)[Figure 2]. However, instead of illustrating a goddess or mythological figure, Manet’s Olympia displays a prostitute. While most female nudes of this …show more content…

She was real, and clearly a prostitute. This is evident through several details within the work; the orchid in her hair, her black neck ribbon, her bracelet and pearl earrings, the oriental shall in which she rests upon, the black cat at the edge of her bed, as well as her name itself, which was common among French prostitutes in the 19th century. All of the aforementioned are symbolic and relate to the prostitute at the time. Olympia is a vision into the lifestyle of a prostitute. Manet’s model is a young woman of the people. Her legs are short, her knee is distorted, her skin is pale, and the sole of her slipper is worn. The skin of her face is coarser than that of her body, a disconnection shown by the black ribbon that circles her neck. Her hand is not slightly hiding her genitals but rather forcefully defending them from your sight, a symbol of the new Olympia's sexual independence. While Manet romanticizes his subject by rendering this prostitute in a similar form to that of the goddess in Venus of Urbino, he shows the truth of the prostitute by giving Olympia a direct gaze. Gone is the coy turning of the head to the side, instead she confronts the viewer with the stark reality of a woman

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