Vengeance In Shakespeare's Othello

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Revenge races down a blind path. It makes one turn to the dark side, where one is blind to other possibilities or reasons that can easily be resolved. In Shakespeare's, “Othello” a liar named Iago deceives Othello and in the end, Othello murders his own wife.

Othello, a great man who leads by example, only has one weakness, his wife. The liar Iago, on the other hand, hates the world, and blames his hatred and his life situation on Othello. Iago then becomes the mastermind who makes Othello turn to revenge from his lies. Implementing his plan, Iago creates friction between Othello and his dear lieutenant friend Cassio. He takes advantage of a drunken brawl when a fight breaks out between two others. The main portion of Iago's plan sends

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