Vegan Barley And Baked Beans Recipe, From-Scratch

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Easy Vegan Barley and Baked Beans Recipe, From-Scratch A warm sweatshirt, a smoky fire and a greasy burger. That’s what I think of when I think of baked beans. I’m not sure about you, but I associate baked beans with camping. Canned baked beans were an easy and tasty food to bring along whenever we headed into the wilderness. Or a half-bulldozed patch of woods converted into a campground. Baked beans pair perfectly with a setting sun and a juicy burger around a campfire. All you needed to do was open the can and sit them on the grill alongside the hot dog links and the burger patties. It was crude. But it worked. I grew to love baked beans so much that I ate them for lunch when I had days off of school. They were an easy and tasty lunch. How …show more content…

Over-sweetened, over-salted and over-processed beans were combined with “pork” to transform wholesome beans into questionable food. These sugar- and salt-laden beans complimented a cholesterol-filled burger patty topped with sugary ketchup, salty pickles and refined white bread. Yet despite the unhealthy past of baked beans, baked beans aren’t doomed to be unhealthy. I mean, it’s beans for goodness sake! How unhealthy can they be? Well, I guess I know. Van Camps, Heinz, and Bush’s have explored how unhealthy they can make beans. Now I’m exploring the other side of the spectrum. How healthy can I make baked …show more content…

Once I changed a few things, the possibilities and questions started flying through my head. Why is there so much sugar? That’s not healthy…. Ketchup? Ew. I’m not adding that… What if I added cinnamon to this…? Salt? There must be a better way to add flavor… How old am I? Five? I can handle more than 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper… After I finished all my changes, I wasn’t sure how it was going to taste. Yes, I know I’m usually a master spice-combiner. But every good chef still makes a crap meal every now and then. Was this the time when simpler was best? I was about to find out. I released pressure when my timer went off and cracked the lid. It smelled perfect. The wonderful combination of ingredients assaulted my senses. I was taken back to my nostalgic memories of lazy summers camping in the woods. I couldn’t wait to dig in. The consistency. The texture. The color, the smell, the taste. It was all perfect. I was extremely happy with my results. I couldn’t believe my recipe for homemade baked beans was this easy while still being healthy. I couldn’t wait to share this recipe for vegetarian baked beans with all of

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