Vassar Spore Analysis

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Dream to be Vassar Spore is a 16 year old girl who enjoys education. She may not be your typical 16 year old girl though. Miss Spore has always wanted to be very smart. A few things you should know about her family is that they are kind of a little different. Her mother and father are hygienist. They like things to be organized and planned. However Vassar is the same way because that is how she was raised. But, her grandma on the other hand is completely opposite she is okay with going with the flow. Vassar sorta feels that her grandma is trying to blackmail her parents because she overheard her grandma talking to her parents. Though one day her grandma sent her a card with a plane ticket to Asia one day out of the blue. So, after she got the ticket her grandma called her and wanted to talk to her parents. Vassar lives in Seattle WA though so she had to fly a long way …show more content…

To do so she must become a valid Victorian. You may wonder why does she want to go to this college so bad? Well, her mom did not get accepted in so, she is now following her mother's dream. Currently she is up against Wendy Stepunkler. Wendy is a tough person to beat. 1 thing Miss. Spore struggles with though, is sports. She is good at everything, but sports. Vassar Spore is more of an inside person though. Vassar would rather read about nature than explore nature. You may wonder why would she not want to explore outside well, that is just how she was raised. She has a little trouble going with the flow though. 1 thing she could never live without would definitely be planning. You may wonder why was she named Vassar the same name as the college she wants to go to? Well, her mom did not get accepted in so she decided her daughter would. So, a quick re-cap would be Vassar Spore is the more learning type. She loves to learn That is just who she is. Vassar wants to be in charge of things, but not in a mean way. So, Vassar wants to be

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