Vaping Should Be Illegal Essay

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What would you do if your teenage son or daughter uses e-cigarettes, and now you know the dangers of them? Vaping should be illegal in the U.S because it contains dangerous chemicals, they are a gateway to drugs, and they are just as bad as normal cigarettes. E-cigarettes contain dangerous liquid and solid chemicals. As well as, it can lead you back, or make you start smoking drugs and tobacco products. Furthermore, E-cigarettes contain chemicals similar to those found in cigarettes. Some people think that vaping is better for you than smoking, but in reality, it is really not! Vaping should be illegal in the U.S because it contains life-threatening chemicals. Vapor contains high levels of formaldehyde, nicotine, and nicrolium. This proves that vapour still contains chemicals that can harm humans. Additionally, scientists tested the vapour on 10 mice, and 2 out of the 10 died, due to the chemicals. The other 8 were either injured or harmed. This reports that not only can the chemicals harm you, but kill you, and animals, too! So, it is scientifically proven that vapour contains dangerous chemicals that are dangers for all of environments, even humans, and rodents too! Another reason that vaping should be illegal in …show more content…

With examination done from vapour, they show that there is a higher chance of death, and even more deaths from vaping, next to smoking. Plus, people who vape feel distress, and anxiousness. Studies show that E-cigarettes are just as bad as cigarettes. A vote from our L.A class shows that 80% of the class thinks that vaping is either worse or just as bad to you, compared to smoking. This shows that not only people vape, but most of them already know that it is bad for them! Vaping is so bad for people, that is leading them to smoking, even though it is effecting them exactly like

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