Vanya Play Analysis

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Before watching the play, “Vanya, Sonia, Masha, and Spike”, I have never watched an American play. Whenever I would revealed this information to people, they would give me a strange look which makes me feel so uncomfortable. I always wondered what exactly the plays would look like or what messages are they delivering to general audience? The curiosity about plays lead me to take the drama class. On the day of the show, I was very nervous since I wasn’t sure about my responsibility as a part of general audience or what should I have expected from actors of the show? In this paper, dramatic and production elements such as characterization, theme, rising action, costume design, light design, and scenic design will be analyzed. The play portrayed …show more content…

Throughout the play, Sonia and Vanya were filled with regret and bitterness and were busy wondering if they made the right choices in life. They both were regretting that they couldn’t do anything for their lives due to their responsibilities toward their parents. Second, the theme of sibling rivalry is apparent as they were resentful of their sister Masha. The example of this theme was appeared when Masha wanted her siblings to dress subordinate to her theme as dwarves; however, Sonia refused and picked out beautiful costume than Masha. Third, Spike and Nina were great examples who demonstrated the generation gap; however, Nina’s character contrasted Spike’s in which she gave respect and adored older people. Vanya’s minutes long monologue described a generation gap in which he pointed out how young generation lacks golden quality life due to new technology applications and social …show more content…

Her arrival’s main intention was to disclose her decision of selling their house to her siblings which started all the conflicts in the play. Since Vanya and Sonia devoted their entire life in taking care of their parents, they didn’t have any ambition or were not financially stable, so it was devastating news for them. This news put them in worried that what will happen to them if Masha would sell the house where they spent most of their lives? In addition to the news, Masha’s desire about the costumes and Sonia’s refusal stretched the conflict. After the party, the conditions intensified as Sonia’s dress outshined Masha’s dress and fame. Moreover, Spike’s behavior and actions made the situation more worsen; however, it was filled with comedy. In the play, each character’s costume design presented relevant information about their lives. The costume designer chose each character’s clothes in a way that described their personalities or their financial conditions. Sonia and Vanya’s costumes demonstrated that they belong to a low middle or middle class family. Masha’s entire costume starting from blouse, blazer, jeans, and other accessories including jewelry, shoes, and purse implied that she was financially stable and had sense of

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