Van Wilder Shit Scene

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Humor Paper I’ve chosen to write my humor paper about the “Van Wilder Shit Scene”. In this clip, taken out from the movie “Van Wilder”, our protagonist gets a horrible diarrhea in the middle of a supposedly important meeting. We watch him struggle through the meeting, and as the situation evolves, so does his need of letting it all go. Eventually, he ends up on a trashcan at the same office, giving in to the “lower forces”. Diseases like diarrhea are a typical taboo among most people, but this clip manages to make fun of such topics, by almost literally throwing the taboo in the faces of the clip’s characters. By doing so, it makes the viewers laugh almost out of disgust. The whole situation is very exaggerated, for an example at The trashcan shot, “Van Wilder Shit Scene”, 0:31 where he screams so badly, you could argue whether it was out of pain or relief. By doing so, it makes his situation more fun to watch, because of his diarrhea differing so much for our perception of a normal round diarrhea. It also takes us by surprise. While we expected him to possibly shit his pants, none of us predicted him to throw himself onto the trashcan. Surprise goes, for that reason, hand in hand with incongruity in this clip. Our protagonist does not act according to our expectations, and we can therefore involve the …show more content…

At The office conversation, “Van Wilder Shit Scene”, 0.23, one of the men asks our protagonist a very ironic and ambiguous question: “You look like you want to get something out, son”. By saying that, he expected for our protagonist to start opening up and speak, but our protagonist chose to open up in the wrong end, which led to a very ironic and ambiguous scene because of the sentence being capable of having several meanings. It makes us laugh because he kind of predicted for that to happen, by saying what he did, even though he never knew what has going to

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