Valuable Lessons

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I'm here to explain that my book has something valuable to teach the world, And that people can learn a valuable lesson from my book. I want to take you back to when you were a child and had all theses dreams and your imagination was wild and free, reality wasn't the first thing on your mind so your dreams where as free as can be. So I believe that a child's curiosity will build up what they will become as an adult. When you were a child people might have asked what you wanted to be when you grow up your answer might have been a movie star, a fashion designer, a ballerina, or maybe a race car driver. Most parents expect their child to have a childish or a "non realistic" answer like my patents did. I say non realistic because what are the odds of becoming that , as a child I wanted to be a prophet but told my parents I wanted to be a doctor instead because that was much more of a realistic answer and I knew that it would make my parents proud to hear me say I would be a doctor , they couldn't possibly know I wanted to be a prophet. The lesson in this is that you can be anything you want to be no matter what era you grew up in, you have the power to be what you want to be because it's your life and you have the right live a happy life. …show more content…

As a little girl I would pretend to be Fidel Castro because I knew he was someone important I wanted to see how it felt to be someone like that, someone people would listen to, I wanted to be heard and feel important. Even though I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be someone that people listened to because I let my imagination guide me which I believe everyone should and never lose touch of who you were growing up , this is another lesson my book can teach

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