St Valentine's Research Papers

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Valentine's comes once a year, the day that was invented for people to spend the day with their other half. Every year people thrive to make it special and more memorable just to show how much love they have towards their partner, but there was this person that had a different sense of Saint Valentine's Day. Alphonse Gabriel Capone was a man of business, respect what he did on valentine's was from being disrespected from Moran. In the year 1929 Saint Valentine's was not known for spending money on heart shaped boxes or buying flowers or giving a valentine's day card to your crush instead it was known for being one of the bloodiest days in mob history. Hatred towards someone can lead to bad consequences,because Capone had so much hate towards Moran he had forgotten when enough was enough.
The year 1920-1929 was known for the “ the roaring twenties,For the first time in years more people lived in cities than on farms”(“history-the roaring twenties”). In the roaring twenties more people were making conflict than celebrating with's also the year where people were following trends and listening to the same music and doing the same dances. 1920 was mostly remembered because of the flappers they were women with bobbed haircuts with short skirts, the flappers would drink,smoke and dance. These kinds of …show more content…

Two of them were Capone's longtime friends Antonio Lombardo and patsy lolordo. Capone then decided to get rid of Moran once and for all. February 14, 1929 Capone men dressed in police uniform entered a garage at 2122 N.Clark that was the main liquor headquarters of Moran, the seven men that were in the garage thought it was a police raid. Capone men line them up on the wall and shot them to death using shotguns and machine guns. Six of the seven were Moran member, the other one was an unlucky friend that was there at the wrong

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