Valentine, by Ann Duffy and First Love by John Clare

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Valentine is by Ann Duffy. The first thing that caught my attention

was the title “Valentine”. Usually when you would hear that word your

head would be thinking hearts, love, romance, and choclates etc but

not in this case. In this poem it describes love as an onion and this

is the constant imagery. The poets aim was to use the onion as a

symbol of love rather than the everyday, typical gifts.

I think the poem might have been written by a male but adapted by a

female poet. My reason for saying this is mainly because when you read

the poem it sounds as though it’s a male word because it talks about

giving gifts which is normally from the man. Never the less it has

more deep and emotional feelings in it which makes it sound like a

female words. However we will never know for sure.

The language that the poet uses whether it’s a male or a female is

very powerful and strong because even if don’t enjoy the poem you

would still remember parts of it because its so blunt and straight to

the point .The poem also uses at some point simile and metaphors which

also makes it very affective. In this poem it also constantly compares

love to an onion. It uses the same words that can describe love as

well as an onion , doesn’t really use sweet and fragile words or

phrases that you would normally expect in a love poem but in my

opinion having a bit of a change is always a good thing.

Blind you with tears”

The word blind and tears show the nature of love and how love can hurt

which leaves you heartbroken and in rivers of tears. However in

cooking wise the onion would blind you and make you cry when you cut

it, so the poet bought these two things together and joined them up to

make his or her point more interesting for the reader.

The language makes me feel very moved at some points because its very

emotional and descriptive .My favourite verse was the last one because

it uses strong words but with passion and a deep full meaning.


Its scent will cling to your fingers,

Cling to your knife

Lethal means dangerous and I think this would describe love best

because in reality love is romantic however if you don’t play it right

and don’t abide by the rules then it could turn into a very nasty

game. This is why love shouldn’t be messed about in the first place as

it not a game in real life it could mess a persons life forever.

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