VPT Task 2: Data-Driven Decision Making

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VPT Task 2: Data-Driven Decision Making

Assessment Code: VPT

Kyle Cluff



Nelda Turner

A- The real world business situation I presented in the task 1 of this paper is as follows: I addressed a concern that a hospital would have by collecting and analyzing a set of data, specifically that of the hospital staff and the patient safety interaction. This situation which is relevant to a Hospital business that I will continue to answer in this paper by collecting and analyzing a set of data is: Is there a relationship to the number of hours a Registered Nurse (RN) works and patient safety? RNs are the main caregivers to the patient. They continually monitor, provide medication, take vitals, and assess the overall health of each patient in their care. With such a demanding job and many job duties, a deeper look at how they perform under not only stress but fatigue will allow us to see what type of care they are able to provide to their patients. The data we collect will allow us to answer if patients are safe with an RN working prolonged hours.
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The data collected was the duration of scheduled and actual work hours per shift which was calculated and aggregated per nurse and per week. A shift a RN worked was classified as an overtime shift if the actual working hours were longer than the scheduled hours. We also analyzed the associations between errors (or near errors), work hours, and overtime. Regression models were performed to assess if working more than twelve hour shifts would increase the probability of making one or more errors (or near errors) in a week long period.

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