Universal Answer Machine Argumentative Essay

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I believe that having smart phones is by far more helpful than it is hindering due to the convenience they provide, their ability to connect people, and their potential. First, a point that this article supports is the convenience. “’A universal answer machine’ that fits in your pocket”(Weinberger 23) This quote is referring to the fact that by having a smart phone, a whole new world is opened up. Having this “Universal answer machine” allows humanity to not only learn new information, but also to broaden our horizons by giving us insight into topics that people never would have bothered to check out a book to learn, this leads to having a more informed society. Secondly, Smart phones help people share and construct new ideas. “Social networking is often how people share the links and ideas that matter to them.” (Weinberger 23) By having access to everyone else’s thought all the time, it allows for people to understand each other and to help. It helps by allowing people to come up with ideas by both providing the place where they might find inspiration, and also by giving them a place to discuss their plans and receive feedback from a massive global think-tank. It also gives people a place to debate and provide their opinions. By being able to discuss their ideas, it allows for a more …show more content…

“Sounds like an opportunity for smartness-but only if we choose to take it.” (Weinberger 23) This quote is capable of summarizing all benefits and disadvantages of smart phones. It has already been proven above how drastically smart phones can help society. However, this can only happen if we choose to use it correctly. The truth is that without smart phones, the world would be far worse off than it is now. If we didn’t have an improved method of communication, be it E-mail, calling, etc., then international diplomacy would be even worse than it is now and we would likely be in the middle of world war

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