Understanding Staff Turnover and Vacancies at Timberland

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Unit 13 Task 1 - P1

Why do vacancies occur at Timberland? For vacancies to occur in Timberland, there has to be some loss in employees or expansion of the business, which isn't too uncommon as they have a high turnover rate. Be it long term sickness, retirement, transfer, or a termination of contract, if people were to leave Timberland, more opportunities such as vacancies will be created. To go into detail on why these opportunity's might be created, if a current employee were to acquire a long-term sickness, they would require another employee to replace their position, until it is safe to work again. Another example being, retirement, where another permanent employee will need to be employed as a replacement, because choosing to retire …show more content…

This is done in order to allow people sending applications, to not feel as if they are separations in-between different sections of Timberland, which they may feel limited and excluded out of.

Unit 13 Task 1 - …show more content…

Legislation is made to be a fair and safe relationship in the work environment and employers

What is Sexual Discrimination Act of 1975?

The act of Sexual Discrimination Act of 1975 can be seen in more than one form. Sexual discrimination can be hard to classify, as it could range from a multitude of different things. The range could be from unwanted attention, all the way to being a victim of criminal behaviour. To put it simply, it’s not an easy thing to determine.

Direct sexual discrimination occurs when:

One way you can spot sexual discrimination in a business, is when a company favours male employees over female workers, even when the male worker has less qualifications. Another example of this is when a worker gets demoted at work, upon their return from a paternity or even a maternity. More examples of sexual discrimination is when, a male or female co-worker is despaired from a social/corporate event, due to the fact that the group is mainly made up of one gender. One last example of how sexual discrimination is prevalent in business, is when a female or male is not offered employment or a job, because of the nature it evolves, such as physical and dirt

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