Unfiltered Water: Store-Distilled Water

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Many people do not pay much attention or care about what condition their water is in. According to www.cleanwater.com, when water comes in contact with the air, it absorbs carbon dioxide, making it more acidic. Therefore, unfiltered water can be very dangerous. Your body's acidity becomes higher due to the amount of unfiltered water you drink. This can lead to rapid breathing, fatigue, headache, lack of appetite, increased heart rate, and even confusion.

Little do people know, unfetted, or unfiltered water is as much good as it is bad for you. Not purifying your water can cause many different health problems. However, it can also be very benificial. Non-distilled water is great for cooking. Purified water pulls out the minerals in foods and lowers their nutrient value. That does not mean it is safe to go into your body though. …show more content…

Store-bought water is already clean, but you can filter your own water as well. The most common way to do this is to boil it. WikiHow says that there are other options. You can also use a cone, or make one out of bark. Layer the cone with sand, charcoal, grass, and gravel. Then, pour the unaltered water into the top of the cone. When it comes out the bottom, it should be safe for you to drink. This can be a little inconvenient though. You can buy automatic purifiers, or water bottles that purify your water if you are remote to the

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