Unemployment In The United States

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Unemployment is a serious and overwhelming problem in the United States that has existed since the economy of this nation began. The clear definition of unemployment is the condition of being out of work or actively looking for a job. Currently, many people around this great nation are out of work from the rise of the unemployment rate. Unemployment can be caused naturally or unintentionally by multiple ways, such as inadequacy of skills needed for the job or getting fired without any reasons. In turn, the causes of unemployment will obviously result in a variety of effects which can be psychological, economical, and social whether they are positive for negative for society and the economy. From this, the effects that occur when unemployment …show more content…

These effects do not only transpire in society, they will also leak for the economy of the nation that is suffering from unemployment in an economic way only. One of the psychological effects is, people who are unemployed might start experiencing severe stress, anxiety, depression, decrease in self-confidence because unemployed people tend to be emotional and are likely to suffer from health problems. Moreover, people who are in the state of unemployment are also likely to feel pain from chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, or diabetes. People exposed to unemployment are prone to experience possible fights among their families, including their wives and children which can result in separations and eventually divorces. As for the economic perspective for unemployed people in a society, they would not have sufficient income to purchase needed resources and pay their mortgages and rent, and as a result the unemployed might become homeless and desperately in need. Another economic effect of unemployment on society is once a person becomes unemployed, it would be extremely difficult for him or her to land a career in the future if they are unemployed for a long period of time, because businesses and companies clearly look for fresh faces that did not face unemployment for a long while. The last chief economic effect is that unemployed people will start to despise paying tax to the government, because the dissatisfaction of being unemployed would arise from the increase of taxes from the lack of consumer demand around businesses. As for the economic effects on the government and its economy, the government would have to provide a consistent payment to the people out of labor, and if more people become unemployed over the course of time, the government would eventually start to run out money and face the hectic loss of

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