Understanding Concept Questions

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Complete the Understanding Concept Questions for Chapter 5: Social Thinking, Influence, and Intergroup Relations, add your Personal Response and submit them. As always it is expected that your answers will show good critical thinking and be in your own words. Providing examples is an excellent way of illustrating your thinking about each concept.
If you find the need to quote the textbook, you must use "quotation marks" or your work will be considered plagiarized.
The questions are: PSY203 Chapter Five Understanding Concepts
1. Summarize the differences between how people tend to explain their own behavior and how they explain the behavior of other people.

Usually when we explained someone’s behavior we tend to explained in terms of the personality, …show more content…

Another advantage is related to social affiliation, if we conform to a group we get accepted, which at the end as humans we have a need of affiliation to reached.

Conform does not have to mean give up to our belief in order to be accepted, but to understand that when we conform it is possible to be part of a group and filled our capacity of understanding.

7. Fully describe Milgram’s classic experiment on obedience and his later findings on circumstances that encourage disobedience.
Participants “the teacher” were asked to delivered electric shock to a 50 years old man “the learner” who was tied on the other side of the room. The Idea of the experiment was identifying how people obey to an authority person. However, participants were not aware that the study was about obedience and the other person was not actually being electrocuted.
So, participant should provide several questions to the “the learner” and when this one failed they have to send a shock of electricity, they would increase the volts throughout the experiment from 15 to 450 volts. They participant d disobedience when they saw other disobedient, when the authority

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