Uncovering Unhappiness In Tennessee William's The Glass Menagerie

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Have you ever lived unhappily but it was impossible to escape from it? Unhappy lives are like cancer to individuals. Many people have difficulties running away from unhappiness. Many sacrifices are done to avoid harming anyone. Also, unhappiness holds people back and destroys their lives. There are many ways to escape unhappiness; however, the best way to escape unhappiness is running away from it without hurting anyone. In Tennessee William’s book, The Glass Menagerie, Tom escapes his unhappy life by looking for adventures, which is the best method because he fulfilled his dreams and harmed no one. Tom escapes his unhappy life by following his dreams and ambitions. For example, Laura asked, “where have [Tom] been all this time?” and Tom said that, “[he] has been to the movies” (26). This shows that Tom escapes his unhappiness by going to the movies, pretending that it is an adventure. Adventures are one of Tom’s dreams and the movies are the only connection for him with the outer world. Movies show him the adventures of other people and he feels that he is present in that adventure (movie). In addition, …show more content…

For example, Laura escapes reality by “washing and polishing her collection of glass” (11). This shows that Laura is trying to have her own world by pretending that her glass menagerie are real people. She has difficulties interacting with the surrounding world, so she clings to the glass collection to waste time living in imagination. In addition, Jim said that the problem is “the lack of confidence in [Laura]” (81).Cleaning the glass menagerie made Laura more shy and lonely and it made he more insecure about her physical traits. This also made her worse in social interaction, since she only cleans and talks with illusional people. Laura’s way of escaping her unhappy life is not the best way because it made her more shy and

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