Uncle Tom's Cabin Thesis

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Slavery in the South was among one of the most massive destructions of human beings. Slavery limited a colored person’s freedom and rights to the point of creating death. However, there were numerous abolitionists who aimed to end slavery by various forms. One of the most popular methods was through literacy. Writers took advantage of the eras rise in publications and published books, newspapers, pamphlets, and journals in order to express their feelings and desires. In the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by Harriet B. Stowe, the author communicated to the reader the wicked methods Africans underwent while they were prisoners of slavery by displaying the frightful effects on the separation of families, the horrific mistreatment they experienced, and the contempt towards a slave’s dignity. Stowe demonstrated multiple outcomes slavery offered by disintegrating slave families by trading them …show more content…

Eliza, the first target aimed to be parted in the story, feared that her son, Harry, would be taken away from her arms, so she had no other choice but to run away (pg. 35). After reading the book, the reader can assume Eliza’s biggest fear was to lose another child after the death of two previous ones. (pg. 13). While trying to escape, Eliza was lucky enough to cling on to her child, but as she was escaping and being persecuted, she encountered numerous conflicts that threatened her life and that of her child by almost dying in a river, while trying to escape from Haley, a slave trader (pg. 52). Eliza also experienced another threat against her life along with her family and a group of friends from Tom Loker, a slave hunter, hired by Haley in order to capture Harry (pg. 168). The attempts on trying to divide the Harris family demonstrate the dark journey slaves undergo and the

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