Uncivility In The Workplace Article Summary

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Article Summary This article describes how rudeness and incivility causes great damage to everyone in the workplace even if it was only intended at a certain person. One professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University states, “Incivility is almost like trapping people inside a fog.” (Gurchiek, 2015, para. 4) In this quote, incivility is explained as something employees are all affected from and are not able to get away from. Moreover, many surveys are presented throughout the article to show how people either lose or quit their jobs because of the rude treatment that they experience in the workplace. Because of those survey results, many experts believe that rude behaviors in the workplace will begin to worsen in the coming years. However, steps to establish an atmosphere of respect and consideration for colleagues are presented at the end of the article to assist with changing that prediction. Article Analysis A few months ago while eating at Skylight Restaurant in Tumon, I witnessed a supervisor displaying incivility in the workplace. One of the workers handling the crepe section of the buffet was taking a great amount of time making crepes, which garnered a long line of customers. The supervisor saw this and started scolding the worker right in front of the customers and other workers around the …show more content…

The article was fully unbiased and focused solely on presenting facts from surveys and experts’ thoughts on the matter. The topic of the article related to the HR course and the real world because incivility affects us all, especially when it comes to a manager and his/her employees. In addition, the surveys presented had links that lead straight to the survey to see the official results. However, I decided to deduct five points because it was kind of difficult to read with all the survey numbers being thrown

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