Umpire In Baseball Essay

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There are two outs in the bottom of the ninth, and the bases are juiced. The pitcher towers over everyone, the center of everyone’s attention as he gets ready to pitch off of his throne of dirt. Just one more out and his team will go to the World Series and who is behind the catcher playing one of the most valuable roles in the entire baseball game, the Umpire. Baseball has been around since for close to 2 centuries with games being played all around the globe, and where ever or whenever there is a baseball game there is a guy in a blue shirt squatted being home plate calling the game. Umpires are in charge of much more than just calling balls and strikes or safe and out. Umps must know every single rule in the game of baseball in case …show more content…

That is because the umpires are just humans and can’t get everything perfect. Being an umpire in such a bang-bang sport is not easy, by any standards, but people seem to put unrealistic expectations on these umpires. The average baseball game is almost three hours long. It is hard to get every single call correct when you have to be paying that close of attention to every aspect of a very long game. Luckily for umpires the MLB implemented the rule of instant replays for every call except for balls and strikes. After every questionable the manager of a team has a chance to challenge it and every manager has only two challenges per game if the win both they are awarded a third. Instant replay gives umpires the opportunity to make certain calls a lot easier for the umpires, however, that isn’t necessarily the exact outcome that instant replay has given to the umpires. Baseball has survived for over 150 years without instant replay, sure the umpires missed some calls, but those bad calls were just a part of baseball, and instant replay would not make the game any shorter. There are many things that instant replay can help with, but it isn’t necessarily all

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