Liberalism Theory And The Characteristics Of United States Foreign Policy

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1. Introduction
Liberalism in the twentieth century continue to be the most widely followed ideology, most of the states adhere to this ideology due to the benefits it comes with. However the following essay will discuss liberalism theory with specific reference to the United Kingdom’s (UK) foreign policy. The essay is divide into five parts, the first part will be the insightful discussion of the liberalism theory in detail, followed by the identification of the characteristics of liberal states. In the international relations, in order for one to understand states behaviour, then they must scrutinize states foreign policy. However it is better to start by understanding the concept foreign policy. The third part will define the concept of …show more content…

According to Balaam and Dillman (2011: 53) “liberalism in broader term means liberty under law”. However according to the (internet: 2014) liberalism is a “political or social philosophy advocating freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institution to assure unrestricted developmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties”. This entails how liberals believe in the entrenchment of power on separate institutions so as to avoid …show more content…

This entails the establishment of peace among liberal states. Liberals do not assume joint peace with any other state instead they understand that states are subjected to international anarchy and are potentially aggressive (Badie et al 2011: 1436). Liberal state are peaceful, yet they are also prone to a war, from aggressive instincts of authoritarian leaders and totalitarian parties (Doyle 1986: 3), for example the threats from North Korea to South

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