US Constitution Essay

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In our current society, the Constitution is being mangled to fit the needs of the present. This has happened throughout the course of history and this is influencing how the people of the United States of America. This is very very dangerous because the government is starting to slowly take away certain rights that were deemed by the Constitution. There needs to be an analysis of what the Constitution meant in 1776 and what it means in our society today. We have added and taken away from the Bill of Rights, some for the good and some for the bad, as orchestrated by the alcohol crisis in the 1900s. There should not be a requirement for US citizens to by some kind of health insurance if they cannot afford it or they do not feel like it is in …show more content…

Back in the 1700s and 1800s people could protest as they pleased, but know these right protected by the first amendment are being frowned upon among many other rights that were not frowned upon and instead welcomed. Martin Luther King Jr protested for the betterment of people he didn't even know and people that were near and dear to him. This should be the American way and welcomed by people in America and instead it costed him his life. This is not how an American who is standing up for his rights should be treated but this is the society that live in today and this is not what the founding fathers envisioned and this is a very very sad representation for the government and the individual people running the government. Many changes need to be made in order to restore the freedom granted by the Constitution and make the American a real thing again. The constitution needs to be reevaluated to change the mistakes the government has made in the past and is in the process of making this moment. People should not be criticized or worse by standing up for what they believe in or buying or not buying health

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