Us And Vietnam Research Paper

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U.S. and Vietnam Relations

Since Clinton normalized relations in 1995, restoring full diplomatic ties between the United States and Vietnam, the two countries have been working towards a trade agreement for over four years. Finally July 13th of this year, the two finally signed a Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) would open up Vietnam's growing economy, and increase trade between the two former enemies.
In spite of much protest from such groups as human-rights monitors and POW/MIA interest groups, who argue that such trade agreements will eliminate the pressure on Vietnam to improve human rights abuse, and POW/MIA accountability, the Clinton administration views the agreement as one that "has great potential benefits for both countries" (Landler). Supporters of the agreement assert that the relationship would not only increase trade with Vietnam, but would also support "important foreign policy goals of the United States including POW/MIA accounting, freedom of emigration, human rights, [and] regional stability . . ." (Peterson). Countering the criticism that trade relations with Communist Vietnam conflicts with human rights policies, supporters argue that, isolation would hinder progress regarding human rights concern and POW/MIA accountability, while engagement would …show more content…

If it receives congressional approval, the Bilateral Trade Agreement, would give American companies "opportunities to build relations that have never before existed in the history of U.S.-Vietnam relations" (Hauser). Under the agreement, Vietnam must cut tariffs on U.S.-manufactured goods and farm products, and it must provide greater protection for U.S. investors and intellectual property. Vietnam must also allow foreign companies to operate in areas such as telecommunications, insurance, and banking, which are presently closed to foreign

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